Redesign Amazon
How can we make amazon app more user friendly

A study to solve some of the problems faced by users in the mobile application of Amazon, one of the largest e-commerce platforms in the world.
Why I redesigned amazon
The starting point of this project was my daily life observations. People who have been using Amazon for a while were deeply committed to this brand and openly and willingly shared their positive experiences.
On the other hand, I observed that a certain segment tried several times and then preferred not to use amazon.
Satisfied users were more emphasizing Amazon's customer satisfaction and customer policies.
I found this contradiction valuable to work on Amazon.
I started out with the assumption that Amazon might have a problem with the digital products which Amazon offers it's services on it rather than its services.
For netnography work, I chose the amazon mobile application in the Google Play store. I included all comments from January 1, 2022 to the date of the study (May 22, 2022) in my work.
3 million people
4,5 ★
847 reviews
3,36 ★
from January 1 to May 22
72 emphasized
from 1★ to 5★
variety of user reviews
It was evaluated by close to 3 million people in total and the average was 4.5. The total evaluation made between the selected dates was 847, with an average of 3.36.
Among these 847 comments, I tried to reach the inputs that could feed the design process. Among these comments, I coded the ones that stand out and those that differ. As a result, I reached 72 comments.
In order to use these 72 comments in the design process, I needed to reach sub-themes and themes.
In this part, I needed and applied another method, affinity map.
Affinity Map

I tried to make the data more understandable with the help of affinity map. I noted the user complaints on the red post-its, the suggestions on the yellow post-its, and the points they were satisfied with on the blue post-its. By grouping the cards, I reached the themes that I could work on.
Before (1)
Reaching sub-categories takes too many steps and screens
A user who wants to look at t-shirts on Amazon encounters 7 different screens. Even the user performs long scroll operations on some screens. After reaching the final screen, the filtering options are not located in the more accessible upper part of the screen. A long scroll is required to access the filtering options on the seventh screen.

Defining The Problem
I obtained data using netnography and affinity map and systematized it. My inferences from research and the issues I focused on in this study:
Users cannot easily reach the products they are looking for.
This is due to different reasons such as categories, filtering and sorting.
Even minor interventions on these interrelated themes can improve the user experience.
A very important part of user satisfaction is not based on the user experience in the digital product, but on the amazon brand and its customer-oriented policy.
After (1)
More accessible and user-friendly sub-categories.

I used tab menu for categories and sub-categories. Thus, the user will be able to switch to the related sub-category more easily and quickly. In addition, by easily narrowing down the sub-categories, he will be able to easily reach the product he is looking for.
With the filter navigation feature, the user can make more specific narrowing.
User will be able to list t-shirts or any other product group in a few steps.
Before (2)
Messy and untidy categories page

There is a gradient color in the background of the category page. Category cards are designed in a long way. 3 rows of category cards appear on a screen without scrolling.
After (2)
More compact and clean categories page

I removed the gradient color in the background. I used amazon's color palette in the background of the search field. I made the category cards more tidy and compact. Without using scroll, the user can see 4 rows of categories.
Before (3)
Lack of information on product cards

The current product cards contain valuable information about the product. In particular, I saw that the "prime" service offered by amazon occupies an important place in the purchasing behavior of the user. It was valuable information whether the product was covered by "prime" on the product cards. However, other information that affects the purchasing processes mentioned by users during the research process is not included in these cards.
After (3)
More informative product cards

One of the data encountered during the research process is that users were negative about products sent abroad, just as users thought positively about the products within the scope of "prime". I have encountered users who accidentally bought products sent from abroad without knowing it, and then paid high shipping fees and even customs tax. In order to avoid this problem, I made the products sent abroad appear as "prime" with the phrase "yurtdısı" ("international shipping").
Before (4)
Filtering and sorting problem

The filtering option is not available on some pages. To access the filtering option, it is necessary to go through many pages as in the top example (1). In addition, the filtering option can be located in different parts of the page. By scrolling, the user accesses the filtering option in the middle of the page.
After (4)
More user-friendly filtering and sorting options

At the top of the screen, next to the search bar, I placed the sorting and filtering options. After the Main Categories page, this design is fixed on all pages. Thus, the user can easily access the filtering and sorting options.