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You can quickly access the most suitable methods that you can use at different stages of your process.


Information Architecture (IA) is a practice focusing on organizing, structuring, and labeling content in an effective way. The structure you present the content, the flow and navigation in the product to the user is directly related to the success of your product.


MoSCoW is a prioritization technique that you can use to sort things to do or arrange product features according to their importance. MoSCoW is the acronym of the four categories to determine priorities; Must have, Should have, Could have and Won’t get


Desk research, also named secondary research, is a research method which uses existing data, review them to gain a broad understanding of the context. You gather prior research findings which help in the field of your study. It is one of the cheapest and quickest methods.


Shadowing is a kind of structured observation which generally occurs users authentic environment. It is based on monitoring the user while using something. You can access data that may not be obtained by other methods.


Mood board is a visual guideline, which is a type of board consisting of colors, images, animations, fonts, texture and patterns, texts and other elements related to the design. It is an important tool that you can create in a short time, that you can use as a communication tool and to provide explicit guidance to you.


Mind Map is a diagram which is a visual representation of the ideas and relationship between them. It is formed by systematically expressing the main idea in the center and linked around other related ideas. It serves as a visual summary and mental model of the topic.


Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is the early and released version of the product, which has the most basic features that creates a value for the user, created to be tested and revised after collecting data from the user.


A think aloud is a method while participant is using the product, you are asking questions. Participant think aloud simultaneous and share whatever they are looking at, thinking, doing, and feeling.


AEIOU, acronym of Activities - Environments - Interactions - Objects and Users, is a method for recording and arranging observations during ethnographic studies. By using it you can gather and document data in different categories and easily reach them.


A focus group is a qualitative research method that brings together a small group of people (5 to 10 participants) in a room that aims to gather user insights quickly. Participants review and discuss a particular design or topic in a moderated setting


Storytelling is a type of activity in our daily lifes for sharing experiences, explaining values etc. You can take advantage of storytelling by forming your own stories as well as listening to users' stories in order to empathize.


A customer journey map is a visual overview of a customer’s experience and interaction with a product. It is often based on a timeline of events.

Difficult request. For now, there is no method in our database that is suitable for all the stages you have chosen.

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